by Peace is real!
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See Geoff's work he carries forward from Bill and many in permaculture;
Thank you Bill/Geoff and all that share this now!
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by Peace is real!
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I, kara am posting this link, sharing Miguel Altieri's thoughts and video link, for I feel this is the bases of humanity's survival, as we together can do this calmly now, not wait for an ER issue to change our direction, so please see and share, and get prepared to live in the instance in harmo...
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by Peace is real!
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I thank Dr. Ben Lynch for his research and skills along w/this invite, please see and share, even though live meet is over, this issue is very important for everyone's wellbeing;
Hi Kara,
How do you protect yourself from something you can't see and is virtually everywhere?
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in UUS; POST for self or another your/their, needs and offerings.
by Peace is real!
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Operation Disclosure introduced me to Anna's work.
Please see a post I made on this link's comment made on her post (note I did typographical corrections here), as I feel it's good to know overview from a Judge's way of ruling, so we can best define how to make mindful changes ...
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by Peace is real!
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If didn't see yesterdays videos of this AutoImmune Summit, please do today, you can see them still free! As well each day this week you can watch each video free for 24 hours!
Niki on Day 6 11.10.18, says a lot about how war and generations...
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in URGENT UPDATE SUBJECT (UUS); ER issues need help.
by Peace is real!
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Many as US citizens don't pay attention to what is happening here, but this Congo continued happenings has to be the worse location ever.
And when I ...
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in UUS; POST for self or another your/their, needs and offerings.
by Peace is real!
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I'm kara j lincoln, presently trying to sell our sailboat in good condition, here in Charleston Marina, Charleston, Oregon, USA. We recently lowered fee due to not getting to repairs or maintenance, to $29,900.00. This will help us fundraise to continue our networking of this virtual...
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in UUS; POST for self or another your/their, needs and offerings.
by Peace is real!
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My name is kara j lincoln, I'm presently in Pacific Northwest, USA, trying to sell our sailboat so we can network again and travel. I would appreciate a contact if aware of one, or yourself? For I believe if we could communicate via email, convenient for your schedule for...
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in UUS; POST for self or another your/their, needs and offerings.
by Peace is real!
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I'm kara j lincoln, presently living in the Pacific Northwest, we are trying to sell our sailboat to further our networking/research. I'm receiving research articles from Igor Semiletov's work in the Arctic now. I'm not skilled enough to decipher all the research, for my objective. I...
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in URGENT UPDATE SUBJECT (UUS); ER issues need help.
by Peace is real!
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This sample Subject Title above once perfected will help all; whether wildlife/resident/homeless/migrant, etc. to easily gain support to locate one's needs. So be brief, for we hope many will start posting and rethink, being creative to resolve.
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by Peace is real!
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Nabble I want to thank you all for your assistance in our ability to share this!
Please, all let us all take part and make it so that everyone can awake w/a breath of fresh air, as I share this young lady and her care for her loved one, as well their love for the earth, as a...
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by Peace is real!
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These folks work from the heart and I thank them!
Register now to see free videos for a time only and if want to have them to view at your choice then they sell, in order to give freely. Thank you all for making this happen, this is important work that all should be aware of, so please sh...
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by Peace is real!
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Hello all!
I share the Festival as I share w/you, what I shared on Facebook;
Sorry Facebook for your problem but it was great you are facing straight on in the instance! And that is what we all need to do now!
Nice to see you again. I've been busy researching and came back on today for ...
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by Peace is real!
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Please note new link for our new Google website;
This is my take on the present need for all to be on the same page w/engineering and science, on earth and in space, so all understand common sense from secular science as we transcribe indigen...
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by Peace is real!
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Thank you Lynn and Jodi for updates;
In case you might not be aware, the Army Corp extended their 404/408 Jordan Cove / Pacific Connector Clean Water Joint Permit Comment deadline to August 20, 2018 in order to coincide with the extended DEQ 401 Water Qualit...
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by Peace is real!
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In regards to this link, I share what I shared w/many;
Is LNG opposition influenced by Russia
Thank you for sharing this link so I may help clarify it;
I look at this way, that we are fortunate to have earthlings doing the right thing, if they di...
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by Peace is real!
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Let me share what I share w/the NIAC Team and I ask you all to take part;
RE; We ask all to aid NIAC, that is hosting one of the first briefings on Trump's decision to break the Iran nuclear deal. Watch live and take part please;
NIAC Team, Thank yo...
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by Peace is real!
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With everyone's great help in doing exchanges/give feedback, we continue to co_evolve w/you, for Humanity has great options now if we organize and network;
If locally in your area we are happy t...
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by Peace is real!
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Thank you Liz from `Friends of the Earth for keeping us updated w/what we all can do now! Please all tell Congress they are creating medical trama in these children and their parents by separating them and that produces more problems for all!
Liz states;
Help send 30,000 messages to Congre...
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by Peace is real!
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`i come to talk story update...
See upcoming Premaculture Convergence at the Solar Living Institute , September 2018!
I leave this old link up for the webpage is still there, and it's food for thought and mindful acts;
An Inten...
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by Peace is real!
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Thank you Black Alliance for Peace!
Please, all join in and support what `i come to talk story believes in 100%:
Black Alliance for Peace Welcomes Outcome of Meeting Between the United States and North Korea
JUNE 13, 2018—The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) calls on the people ...
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by Peace is real!
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CODEPINK we respect all your work!
Please all contact your Senators, read this note from CODEPINK;
Our friend Christine Ahn said it perfectly this morning: “peace is in the air.” We couldn’t agree more. Not only did the Singapore meeting of Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un result in a pled...
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by Peace is real!
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I feel this is the time to stay consciously humane in the instance where can. Welcome and hold our leaders accountable, share w/them what you feel can be done, answer their questions and share w/us.
I share our thoughts in a few comments to Pres Trump and Prime Minister Abe fro...
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by Peace is real!
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We are so sorry for another shooting!
This has fueled me to share w/many on youtube.
All can observe early signs much better if all are involved in doing one's local `plan as our plan is working to perfect, as we seek a Global Grant to simplify so all understand and interrelate. Using ...
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by Peace is real!
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In response to Hangout 5.19.18;
Adam Soul and Jamen Shively discuss the Road to Life Plan
We've mentioned a few in past vide...
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