in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
by Peace is real!
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thank you all that have put good energy in as we all continue to work for our local, global + beyond obligations to be connected, as we priortize efficientcy now for all;
we propose project osic as a very good tool to utilize all negative as we redirect unsound development from the misunderst...
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by Peace is real!
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please come review project osic so we can come together + define how best each can participate;
our combined` effect makes a difference..
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in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
by Peace is real!
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i share with you email from Peace Action West, + what we all can do now;
Dear kara j,
If you've been following the news in Syria, you know how bad things have gotten there for people fighting for their rights. The Syrian regime has slaughtered children. They have bombed entire neighborhood...
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in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
by Peace is real!
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Español abajo - Français ci-dessous
EN "Green" Economy
The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online! Click here to read the English edition.
In this issue: Some materia...
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in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
by Peace is real!
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please come together + welcome project osic
then we each can see how sharing 1 good universal science that we integrate into our daily life as we build working ecological sustaining communities, where no life is left behind.
yes a cooperative where people working sensitively with t...
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by Peace is real!
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our combined` effect writes;
Barack, what can you do for positive changes;
the fisherfolks along the pacific northwest are very discouraged with the hatchery salmon, where wild is no where to be seen, due to large forest companies polluting the rivers..
this list can go on with...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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thank you Marion Nestle Will Allen, not to mention this list is very long.
please see Prof Marion Nestle`s article below on the US 2012 FARM BILL..
we have great admiration for you folks, your work, your respect for life + your ability to be clear. this is appropriate place ...
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by Peace is real!
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We each have an obligation to live locally sustainable + build our working community supporting all to harmonize. Which fuels us to share what works locally + afar, in a `way each can understand.
We feel this can be efficiently done if we integrate good science universal...
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by Peace is real!
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please see our comment to Peace Action West`s post;
May 2, 2012
by Rebecca Griffin
What did you think about President Obama’s speech last night? Read my take,
which appears here today in the San Francisco Chronicle, and share your
thoughts in the comments below.
The White Hous...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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i will respond as a earth citizen equal to you all, for as a US citizen i see no democracy, as i would describe it;
meaning all having support for awareness to understand how we work most efficiently as a human species. we as a living organism are dependent on balanced genetic bio-diversit...
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by Peace is real!
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our combined`effect states;
thank you La Via Campesina for your great orgainizing opportunity here for us all today!
this is the time of virtual tools, which we thank Nabble + all to bring us together for life we are dependent on, as we share earth + beyond together.
we have the opportu...
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by Peace is real!
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Apr 17, 2012 12:29 PM EDT
In a letter exclusively obtained by The Daily Beast, Palestine’s president threatens legal action against Israel if it doesn’t agree with demands. Dan Ephron reports.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is threatening unspecified legal action against Israel if Pr...
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by Peace is real!
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Note from our combined` effect;
as we got out of the taxi in Honduras, a young child 7 yrs old, whom actually served us as a young man, stated lady what did you pay, i told him + he said, lady you got screwed + he proceeded to show me the goodness of his community..
we ask...
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by Peace is real!
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EN Landgrabbing
Just before the annual World Bank conference on land and poverty, the Newsletter offers an in-depth look to land grabbing!
Take action against land grabbing on the 17 of April for the International day of Peasant Struggle!
The Newsletter is published e...
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by Peace is real!
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Press Release – La Via Campesina
17 April: More than 250 actions around the world for the International Day of Peasant's Struggle
(Jakarta, 16 April 2012) Small scale farmers and their allies are celebrating the International Day of Peasant's Struggle tomorrow, 17th of April 2012, organisi...
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by Peace is real!
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People in responsible positions please self-observe your ability to have sharp sensors to move forward assertively + responsibly..
This sickens me to think this has not been put behind us. our children study curricuIum to communicate yet you people are being hypocritical;
it ...
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by Peace is real!
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FOEI, La Via Campesina and Combat Monsanto, new publication
WASHINGTON (US) / MONTEVIDEO (URUGUAY), PARIS (FRANCE), APRIL 4, 2012 – Today, the day that biotech giant Monsanto releases its second quarter earnings, a new report by civil society organisations show...
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by Peace is real!
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Now you know the score
by Jon Rainwater
It's an election year. That means it's prime accountability time.
And this email has everything you need to let your representatives in DC know you've been watching them like hawks.
I’m excited to bring you Peace Action West’s report on the 2011 ...
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by Peace is real!
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In the call of the alliance, you will find the address of the blog where all actions against land grabbing will be consolidated : <>_
A map of the actions will also be made...
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by Peace is real!
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Apr 2, 2012
Dear Ms. Lincoln:
Thanks for your message in opposition to exporting coal. I appreciate
hearing from you and having this opportunity to respond.
Unfortunately, the United States cannot prohibit exporting coal and
other raw materials thanks to America's membership...
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by Peace is real!
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Bamako, on March 22, 2012.
Following the events that occurred in the night of March 21, 2012 in Bamako and in the regions, the Forum of Civil Society Organisations of Mali has held a meeting at its headquarters.
After analysis and review of the situation, the Forum of Civil Society Organiz...
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by Peace is real!
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New post on Groundswell Blog, from Peace Action West
by Rebecca Griffin
see link for further links in page for more detail;
with Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), a leader on peace issues and one of Peace...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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Declaration of La Via Campesina in the Alternative World Water Forum
We, as peasants’ and farmers’ organizations from countries all over the world, members of La Via Campesina, met between the 12th and 17th of March 2012, for the Alternative World Water Forum in Marseille, France. Deleg...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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I share with you my question to Barack Obama + our legislators regarding our energy US plan + affiliation globally.
+ i ask all of you to ask the same until we can get a clear picture + our legislators are true local community representives of our restoration reality.
leaving no one left ...
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by Peace is real!
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VIEW ALL BLOG POSTS at link above
Ploughshares Blog › What Nuclear Weapons Cost Us – It’s the Right Time for a Debate
DECEMBER 20, 2011
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