by Peace is real!
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Thank you all for shifting, + yes all are needed to fill in for each local `plan, where ever fortunate to be, for earth is our home, lets protect it from misinformation ruling..
I share a local discussion in the building, please let it fuel yours.
We are seeking students to help, donatio...
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by Peace is real!
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I share some thoughts for you to work w/your communities part time, as we are setting up. So that you do not accept anything wasted. Rather redirect + prioritize for your local `plan, accepting nothing else;
Thank you for your response Rachel, from Democratic Party Of OR..
I welcome Dr....
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by Peace is real!
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It's time to stop manipulating + get to the root of the cause, please take part + let us know if you want to collaborate + we will set up documents/Hangout, etc.
Please make space + take part today;
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by Peace is real!
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I share what i share w/President Barack Obama as he explains resistance from Congress + welcome all to speak up now;
Please let us show such detail that works as we learn from humanities finest.
1 Universal sound science can show how to efficiently;
Use one's neural proce...
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by Peace is real!
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Lets keep the good work moving..
For much of our human family is not being showed the empathy + support they deserve, locally + afar.
Please realize the world offers us a wealth of goodness + all people require + deserve to be supported to be a l...
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by Peace is real!
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Thank you for sharing Middle East Monitor for in US we seek putting pieces together for peace making acts, to hold oneself + others accountable.
Please let us fuel some thought, for you people locally can define these worn torn parts, if you network, center + ground for our human family + wh...
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by Peace is real!
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I share what i offer locally, fueling you to do the same, for their is way too many good solutions to be chosen from, then to continue to not take part + let dysfunction continue to rule. See link + read their comments, they are incredible + thank you World News;
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by Peace is real!
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American people, Global participants, shame on us all for not prioritizing truth + transparency unable to prioritize as everyone inefficiently pulled ones own way or agreed. When yet look at the resources all have spent on these elections except for Bernie. Thank you Bernie!
But i still sa...
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by Peace is real!
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I share my post on Facebook;
Why should responsible roles not respect + be guided by the truth w/verbiage created for 1 global sound science, where each local community has a structure guiding for them then to co_evolve w/it, working within ones natural enhanced limits, as their rule of law...
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by Peace is real!
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We welcome you to Charleston Octoberfish
as we define w/others our participation, whether or not we will be behind the scenes do_in dishes/serving/in serious discussion as last year w/children very mindful taking on adult responsibilities, which actually i felt i had to ...
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by Peace is real!
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What can you do to help?
Dr. Caldicott's video;
says it best, as American Military evacuated Americans 50 miles from the Fukushima accident, when here in US mandatory is 10 miles.
As she says, the over 23k Physici...
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by Peace is real!
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Let our ideals fuel yours..
A local poster put around, good job for students to use ones community as an extended classroom to get real, as they orchestrate this via a class best so all calmly can gain the most efficiency, working w/...
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by Peace is real!
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Please see President Barack Obama's work in progress + join in where can, for we are fortunate to have the tools of the times to fuel this process;
The White House, Washington
Here's something a lot of people don't realize:
Just five years before we moved into the White House, Michel...
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by Peace is real!
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I share what i share w/Barack + Sarah Crowe + I ask you to do what you can + thank you, lov us at
As always please check back for corrections + updates + add your comment, thank you!
RE; Barack's response to radiation to me? Must...
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by Peace is real!
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We welcome you all to organize w/your students as they can do this leg work. Let them help us build our virtual platform so we know humanity's real needs + offerings globally as we share in solidarity.
We are so sorry to hear of the refugees, yet have no real story yet welcome them. For...
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by Peace is real!
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Please see what all need to take part in. Not just for the locals in the area of this proposed problem, but what this does to our earth + beyond.
Comment period extended to Sept 4, 2015, please do your homework + mindfully act;
I share much of their work, but their site shows beautif...
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by Peace is real!
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Thank you Jamal for this invite!
+ Barack after all my attempts to talk to you, i'm glad I persevered + hope you understand this message to you + all, if not please let me explain further, for you are missing what can help simplify this, by working w/all to help. I only wish you would of allo...
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by Peace is real!
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Please share this + review it all. Sorry for errors but we continue to work w/limitations + ask for your donations.
We release this now for all to fit your deadlines in acting mindfully. + Please see the video of Quietly Into Disaster at + see how we add other...
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by Peace is real!
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Thank you for allowing me to join your group, whether Peace for Palestine or Israel or Baltimore or Nepal or the local community in Port Townsend to Charleston + thru out Coos County, etc. I think you get my point.
Please note i continue to update this subject matter as we research, so add ...
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in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real!
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Driving GMOs and Monsanto’s Roundup off the Market
April 21, 2015 | 172,496 views
Spread the Word to
Friends And Family
By Sharing this Article.
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by Peace is real!
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Petition by Toypurina Carac
To be delivered to His Holiness, Pope Francis
Pope Francis is coming to Washington, D.C., to canonize Junipero Serra as a Saint. It is imperative he is enlightened to...
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by Peace is real!
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Dear friends,
Whole hills swept down over the beautiful and delicate rural villages of Nepal ...
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by Peace is real!
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Thank you IPS Inter Press Service News Agency;
Active Citizens, Civil Society, Global, Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, IPS UN: Inside the Glasshouse, Newsbrief,...
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by Peace is real!
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Why should we have to take 1 issue at a time + waste good people`s energy when there's so much work needed that is not being done in every local community on this earth? When yet regulators get paid for what they do, in what should be skilled positions that are dysfunctional + need people ...
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by Peace is real!
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As a US non profit, actually today i was about to talk about love + gratitude for getting this far. For as i seek donations to pay a salary that we have not had for over 35 years, as we used our own funds or as i stated to you people before, when we had our investments redirected from peopl...
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