in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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17th of April 2013 - International Day of Peasant struggles -
New report argues that :
Land concentration and land grabbing are occurring and reaching blatant levels in Europe
Land concentration and land grabbing do not occur only in developing countries in the South ; in fact, both ar...
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in We have SOLUTIONS for our ISSUES everywhere, if we work together with simple talk for all ages..
by Peace is real!
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Watch photos of the Women assembly, if go to link;
News from La Via Campesina
Global Campaign to Stop the Violence Against Women
(Jakarta, June 7,2013) The global campaign pioneered by La Via Campesina to Stop the Violence against Women is celebrating its fifth anniversary. The l...
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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thank you!
The Brookings Institution
Series: U.S.-Islamic World Forum | Number 11 of 11 « Previous
Jun 9
Live Event
The next webcasted session will begin at 7:00PM Doha (12:00PM ET).
Twitter Join the conversation on...
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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thank you, this is long over due!
The Brookings Institution
2013 U.S.-Islamic World Forum Plenary Session
Plenary Session I: Transitions In Afghanistan and Pakistan
Bruce Riedel (Mode...
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by Peace is real!
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we have great plans thanks to all!
what does it take for a solution to be had for preventing strike on Syria or anyone??
it takes simple respect, going eye to eye + open transparency.
it makes me sick when our reps close the doors, as many are acting, including Barack, like a child.
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by Peace is real!
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NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) --
Beluga beautiful photo can be seen on their page.
I have good news to share.
A federal judge has ruled in our favor that the Obama Administration vio...
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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We can take bold action to help the Syrian people. We need greater humanitarian aid for refugees and Syrian citizens NOW. But we don't need to arm forces committing war crimes. Please encourage your friends to join you in taking action.
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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New post on Groundswell Blog, from Peace Action West
by Jon Rainwater
The black flag of al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra flying over the Governor's Palace in the Syrian city of Raqqa. The extremist group controls the city and by some media reports it is usin...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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or use a guide
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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1 comment
David + friends share a variety from canning skills to his Queen of Queen sharing how she makes a natural shampoo, etc. to Ocean Keepers, Go Green at home with how to videos + a variety of sustainable updates for us to get involved...
please sign his Declaratio...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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We now have dates set for our first two excursions in Box Creek Wilderness:
Saturday, June 15 and Friday, June 21. Participants can choose from either excursion date. Several of you have already signed up, but we want to be sure that everyone is aware of these opportunities to...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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this is what we all can join in + do as we simply gather + share in real time...
please reflect with what others are do_in + bring home what can work for you;
Tours of the event are organized to give the general public, and especially children and students, the opportunity to meet the fis...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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if we do our homework + network, we see many in patches with great solutions to reflect with, offer yours;
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in We have SOLUTIONS for our ISSUES everywhere, if we work together with simple talk for all ages..
by Peace is real!
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Right to Know Coos County is a grassroots effort to educate the public about the risks of genetically modified organisms in our food supply and the environmental ramifications of genetically modified crops.
Follow us on Twitter! @r2kCoosCounty
General Information
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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Contact: Jamal Abdi
Phone: 202-386-6408
Washington, DC - NIAC applauds the Obama Administration's anticipated decision to lift sanctions on consumer communication tools for the Iranian people tomorrow. This long sought action will help ensu...
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in We have SOLUTIONS for our ISSUES everywhere, if we work together with simple talk for all ages..
by Peace is real!
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I share our/others` offerings, to trigger your thought;
we just signed up for RFP-EZ, as we offer Content Management + Mobile Application Development;
US 501.c3 non-profit, yet to fund raise, restructuring:
to trigger your thought to restructure community regulatory boards such a...
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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Content Alert: Brookings Topics - Iran
Posted: 28 May 2013 06:43 AM PDT
Diplomatic wisdom holds that you make peace with your enemies, not your friends. This mantra has been intoned by such diverse figures as...
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in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real!
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please go online to see photos;
Che Guevara and the Awakening of an Internationalist Movement" as a part of the Congo and the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU forum. A key aim of the event was to build support for the ...
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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1) There ought to be agreement that the United States, a would-be benefactor, shouldn't get pushed around or have its diplomacy subverted by Syrian rebels, who are the supplicants for U.S. aid, writes CIA veteran Paul Pillar at The National Interest. Yet that becomes a possibility ...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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ideas are great Kristina,
a `way do_in works well for people to rethink as they share eye to eye + define as all stay in real time. people do have many misunderstandings that we can clarify + simplify, if we work together.
we can support the local farmers, CSA`s + do workshops...
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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Marius good work!
after awakening from our local rally in Coos Bay, Oregon for the March Against Monsanto, my new thoughts are,` if hurt or if heart, we can share resources to resolve. if we reflect, we see many perspectives coming from people with different neuro networks.
but if y...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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please take action + add your note;
NRDC Message;
Mr. President, it's been three months since yo...
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in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
by Peace is real!
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the disassociated energy can be harnessed + redirected, this is why Senator Jeff Merkley needs support for his petition to stop the Monsanto Act, when then that will co_evolve other realities.
we can give simple respect for all life in simple language + not settle for anything l...
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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Dear Ms. Lincoln:
Thanks for your message supporting a diplomatic and peaceful resolution to Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons. I appreciate hearing from you. We are in complete agreement.
I strongly support diplomacy and believe the United States should explore every conceivable al...
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in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real!
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Some of us are very ready!
We are seeing many worn torn links + understanding how to differentiate that which has contributed to our misuse/abuse unknowingly.
With compassion, we ask all to make this rally a celebration, peacefully. In respect think about all those that can`...
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