in a pri`performance do_in.. when all else fails, go to mime - music - motion..
by Peace is real!
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i invite all to take part locally + share with our neighbors + link what works, as we come together in solidarity..
+ lets link these movements + focus direct for efficiency;
you people are so g...
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by Peace is real!
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large energy farms are not the way. rather small local alternative energys as supplement + work within each local enhanced natural limits. see Miguel Altieri. you people have the power to unite + locally know your natural limits, so you can talk + taper off of free Trade that is not free.. don`t...
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in a pri`performance do_in.. when all else fails, go to mime - music - motion..
by Peace is real!
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check back for detail, to be announced for our gathering of PT Rising on 2.14.2013..
meanwhile let me brief you on what we do at;
i come to talk story
we as a human species have a responsibility to retain discipline over our self-sensory observation vs belief. we are fortunat...
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in a pri`performance do_in.. when all else fails, go to mime - music - motion..
by Peace is real!
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this is the cloth/table/stage we set best on location of the issue at hand.. this is about bringing our whole beings together do_in our homework, sharing local + beyond, yet we still have no local solutions to our local problem.. + now we have to further define what is missing..
this ...
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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please see what are neighbors are do_in;
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in build a community that supports everyone to understand our local/global obligations..
by Peace is real!
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let me start with an old tao quote to aid this tapering transition;
food is better then medicine, energy is better then food, + nothingness is better than energy..
we all now are in these transitions + will be in, but we can together simplify this process...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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Via Campesina Africa Solidarity Statement on the farmworkers mobilization in South Africa
(Maputo 14th January 2013) - During the month of November last year, the world watched farmworkers strikes, particularly those working in vinyards, in the Western Cape Province, in South Africa. They wer...
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in build a community that supports everyone to understand our local/global obligations..
by Peace is real!
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only then do we reap the benefits to gain the sensitivity to self-reflect + rejoin our center, so we gain total peace within ourself, without leaving a footprint.
here we want to share the process of simple living;
see Masonobo Fukuoka`s 2012 documentary on how simple our co...
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by Peace is real!
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Dear Kara,
Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns about genetically engineered (GE) salmon. I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.
As you may know, the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) recently made a proposed finding that certain GE salmon, the first GE animal...
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by info
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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please see Peace Action West`s blog + our response;
Happy New Year to you all!
i can`t wait until the day we discuss transparency of diplomatic processes as we communicate with all, +...
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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locally we may be very fortunate to live in these patches` with great reflection as we are truthful with our self + feel the grounding energy.
only then can we become a responsible local, global + beyond participant. for self - able + unable, to be equal..
there are many good...
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in `natural building with hybrid alternatives, off the grid.. will leave no one left behind, rather all get to enjoy the bi`joy experiences of life..
by Peace is real!
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in discussion we view that too many large wind generators are blocking the others.
when we think local for each community, we much better utilize our earth`s natural resources within their enhanced limits..
please do your studies + look into the Intentional Communites;
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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What do you call this, can come in many forms:.
As Andy Larson wrote in his book African Wanderlust,
An African employer Seth had his goods stolen + couldn`t figure out from whom. So he called in the witch doctor + he gathered all his employees. The doc drew a small circ...
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in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
by Peace is real!
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please share your ideas for change now;
this shows us a good example of how good project osic can be to resolve all these issues.
if we all build this archive for all to...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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patches`, a simple message board with info for gathering. (see patches` construction of message board to trigger thought.)
this works for more to stay updated, eye-to-eye. patches` of earth have good folks living in simple natural harmony on this planet, locally + beyond.
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in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
by Peace is real!
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this is a good ex;
our students can co_evolve these issues as we focus together living with common sense.
this project osic in the building can do just this as curriculum changes to reso...
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in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
by Peace is real!
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i share what i submitted to the Senate..
Please note, we invite you to a review;
this is unexecusable + we as people plan to make changes, for you people get paid too much to be so unskilled as you waste your energy + ours in having to respond.
plus as local communities work together, w...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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this is uncalled for that the public should have to be interrupted to respond + prevent. when the regulatory boards should be do_in their job to not allow such dysfunction.
all species have been subjected to toxic substances leaving many ill, as well our environments.
why c...
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by Peace is real!
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take a review if yet to read;
please see my review in progress, if interested. i will update if i think i can offer anything more.
+ i welcome others to do same in comment below..
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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lets get our food going, lets see how we can become efficient if not already, as we need fuel for thought + act.. we don`t want to just carry memory of our taste buds + smells as we ate that live natural food at our a`way potluck.
or many of us where only fortunate to smell anothers from a...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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please post for all to become a local, global + beyond responsible participant that harmonizes:.
please leave space to be aware, in many local communites, for many of us are paralleling the dysfunctional gov/businesses/people abusing/ourself`s misusing;
that still build w...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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feel bi`joy energy below your feet as we nourish our mindbody + circulate, leaving no blockages, that we ourself allow to happen..
with optimum nutrients made available.. it is here we set a cloth/table discussion on location + in the dirt/sand we draw an overview for our e...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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we can do research by recycling existing tools with in a community shared toolshed:
define, manage, set boundaries + limits for restoration, usage, redirecting, yet supporting if folks livelihood are dependent on these goods.. allow nature to guide, those sensitive to read ...
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by info
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