in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real!
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Barack, Ban Ki-moon, People everywhere, as a person included in our human family,
please join together now to stop these acts + support those ill + unaware, locally + afar.
we all are part of this + must stop now with tapering transitions that are real.
as man...
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in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
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in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real!
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We ask all for your help.. together we can make a difference..
This is pretty crazy to see this get to this point. global leaders around the world + UN shame on you, those of you of the past shame on you, shame on us that have allowed you to act so irresponsible.
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in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
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in project osic - where students open school doors into + with community, + restore it`s/your/our potential..
by Peace is real!
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in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
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in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real!
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these stories are incredible, yet many work hard piecing it together to attempt to find a solution. while it appears others try to find a way to continue business at hand, without realizing how.
environments are getting destroyed + hundreds of thousands of people are under distress;...
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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we just have to share in our walkabout, for many are preoccupied, not realizing the footprint left. for we have solutions to avoid this.
why would we want to work hard at changing policys as in demanding l...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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to think one has to experience a war is bad enough, let alone after effects as with land mines.
please see a few that are working at this positively with good results;
i thank Serena Tideman + Joe Breskin for bringing this to our attention.
+ also;
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by info
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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thanks John,
this is great introduction;
see his you tube video on Capitalism + Socialism: Crash coarse world history...
ok lets grip the moment. i recently a few times have offered to Walmart, as a fund ra...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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if Walmart +like businesses are to continue at all, they must rethink..
Support the Walmart Black Friday Strikers!
Fellow occupier, it's time to take a stand and support the workers who are standing up to live better throug...
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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please come take a review of our website + do it as we suggest starting from the top. it has a `way of filling in neuro networks. to add what can be done so we efficiently use virtual tools such as Nabble`s to bring people together in their local communities eye to eye, as in here below;
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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La Via Campesina in the Committee on World Food Security:
(Rome, October 11, 2012) A delegation of women and men farmers members of the international peasant's movement La Via Campesina will attend the 39th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in Rome from October 15 to 20 in...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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Denouncing the multiple attacks on La Via Campesina member
(Brussels, 15 October 2012) In September 2012 all European Union governments with a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council voted against a specific protection mechanism for the rights of peasants and other people working in r...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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(Rome, 18 October 2012) La Via Campesina welcomes the adoption on October 17, 2012, of the first version of the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). The international farmers movement has participated intensively in its ...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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We, peasants of the Provincial Nucleus of Peasants in Nampula, the Provincial Nucleus of Peasants in Zambezia, the Provincial Peasants Union of Niassa and the Provincial Union of Peasants of Cabo Delgado, and who are all members of the National Peasants' Union (UNAC), met on the 11th of October ...
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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Posted: 26 Oct 2012 06:20 AM PDT
The Iranians and their Hizbullah ally are sending warning signals about how they might fight a future war with the United States and Israel. The signals aren’t subtle—Tehran intends to retaliate for any attack on its nuclear facilities with blows against Ame...
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in `seeds, if ya don`t save them, you`re yet to be a true farmer..
by Peace is real!
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Shahabad (Kurukshetra), October 18, 2012: In a dramatic action, farmers of the BKU forced the Haryana State Agriculture University to fulfill their commitment to destroy Monsanto's ongoing GM corn field trials in their public research station.
Last month, farmers and activists of the GM Free ...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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La Via Campesina Media advisory
The Worlds Small farmers Will Meet in Thailand to Promote Agroecology
(Jakarta, November 5, 2012) - The global peasants movement, La Via Campesina (LVC) will hold a global encounter of agroecology trainers and peasant agroecology schools at the Community Agroe...
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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Posted: 08 Nov 2012 08:02 AM PST
It is an accident of fate that the quadrennial American exercise in selecting a president happens to coincide almost precisely with the anniversary of the 1979 seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. That episode unraveled the Carter Administration and left a ...
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in natural` or not` disaster preparedness to create upon:.
by Peace is real!
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Posted by Bev Godwin, Director, Federal Citizen Information Center Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies on November 5th, 2012
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